Saturday, November 12, 2005 & Barbie Therapy...

After visiting a very random website today, and I'm convinced that randomness is like yawning. Whatever it is that The Yawn knows about being beguilingly contagious, Randomness has apparently learned and mastered. I say this because after having spent a mere half hour perusing amazing articles of global irrelevance (such as the pros & cons of digital post-it notes and the top 10 best things to stare at), I find that my brain is now on shuffle.

It has currently landed on a childhood passtime that had escaped my memory for well over a decade - parachuting Barbies off of my parents' second story porch equipped with the ever-fashionable plastic grocery bag. In hindsight, my amazement lies not in the fact that I did this, but how long/often/much I did this, given that it never really worked. Even with the most elaborately designed baggie-chute, alas the Barbies always seemed plummet to the ground, landing sideways on their disproportionate thighs.

Now that I think about it, it's strange that I ever even played with Barbies. Maybe because I grew up playing Hotwheels & He-Man with two guy cousins, or maybe because I was the sort of precocious little brat who would tell you that I was not cute and did not play with dolls. Subconciously, I think the reason is obvious. I didn't care if Barbie ever floated gracefully to safety. I was just after was the same thing all of us are - seeing her little 39-23-33 "I-would-have-to-walk-on-all-fours-if-I-were-real" butt eat dirt.


Blogger kachina said...

dont be a hater... im have a perfect 39-23-33 that lots of cute punk boys lust after...and im proud of it <3

12:22 AM  

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