Friday, December 09, 2005

Things i like to make...

If our children don't have webbed feet or a peculiar number of extremeties, I will be impressed. This week hasn't allowed for much time to be creative in the true sense of the word, so I've been getting my fix by priming the spare room upstairs and playing with spray paint and cardstock in the basement. I guess since this is my designated venue for arrogant rants, it would be ok to mention my disdain for store-bought cards. I don't know if greeting card companies just don't care or if they just know that no matter what caliber of crap they throw on the shelf for their made-up obligatory-greeting-card holidays, Wal-Mart shoppers will pay $3.25 for it, but I'd rather not if I can help it. Hence the spray-painted cardstock. They're nothing overly special, but it gives me an excuse to play with aerosol toxins and feel like I can make something. Maybe I'll try to post some of the more successful ones later when I'm not high...
Oh, yeah and if you're in the market for a beta-carotene boost (or have a relative who tends to leave you overly endowed with random produce), here's my recommendation of the week.


Blogger kachina said...

i see what you're're trying to kill off your husband with all these extreme amounts of onto you...

who's the serial killer NOW???

12:41 AM  

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